our expertise

Field Service Support

Highly skilled tradespeople you can count on

Our field support service boosts a full suite of trades and remains the core part of our business today.

Boasting a full suite of trades, our field service division brings unparalleled technical expertise to your heavy duty service and maintenance requirements. Many of our team are OEM trained and all are backed by our overarching management group.

Our field service vehicles are well-equipped with all the latest tooling for today’s tech-intensive machinery and come with enough to take on even the largest of jobs

Whether you need one person or five

We can deliver the depth of talent and extra muscle you need for critical repairs, preventative maintenance, project work and shutdowns.

Fleet of mine specialized vehicles with tooling support

Heavy Duty Diesel & Light Vehicle Mechanics

Mine specialised Boilermaker trucks

Auto Electricians


Trade Assistants

Accredited Supervision

Line boring Solutions

High Voltage and Light Vehicle Electricians

Standby Team

Delivering expertise and extra muscle across Australia, Africa, Asia and the Americas, our field service staff are job ready, trade certified, hold proven police clearances, site inductions, full and comprehensive medicals, public liability and employee compensation insurance.

Some of our clients...

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RES team will provide effective and professional maintenance service of your fleet, providing professional advice and labor to keep your equipment running efficiently.

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